Final Course Reflection

Find your course in the list below to find the prompt you will answer.  If there is more than one prompt to choose from, pick the one you can answer most fully.  Be sure to ask for help if you need it!

(Scroll down to the bottom to view this.)

Your reflection should be one fully developed paragraph = about half a page.

  1. Include four or more pieces of supporting evidence from your course to clearly explain your answer.
  2. Be sure to focus on what you know, in your own words.  Go back to the lesson if you need to and be sure to cite any sources other than the course if you use them.
  3. Proofread and submit a final draft.  Click here for a great online proofreading tool.




A (100-90%)

B (89-80%)

C (79-70%)

D( 69-60%)

F ( 59-0%)

Fully developed response

Clear idea supported with at least 4 well-explained, specific course references

Clear idea,  3 or less well-explained, specific course references

Main idea not clear, 2 or less well-explained, specific course references

Main idea not clear, 1 or less well-explained, specific course references

Main idea not clear, no well-explained, specific course references

Reflects understanding of course content

Reflects an excellent understanding of all points

Reflects a good, basic understanding of all points

Reflects a

good, basic understanding of most points

Does not reflect good, basic understanding of most points

Does not reflect understanding of any points.

Written in strong voice

All work clearly original, able to re-word in own thoughts, with sources cited.

All work clearly original, not able to re-word all in own thought, sources cited

All work clearly original, not able to re-word all in own thought, no sources cited

Not all work clearly original, not able to re-word all in own thought, no sources cited

Some part of this work clearly plagiarized, no sources cited.

Correct grammar, usage, and mechanics

Final draft ready. All of work clearly proofread- little to no corrections.

Almost final draft ready. Majority of work clearly proofread- only a few minor corrections.

Not a final draft.  Some of the work needs many, obvious corrections.

Not a final draft.  Most of the work needs many, obvious corrections.

A first draft.  All of the work requires many, obvious corrections.



Choice 1: 

Explain what your role as a citizen should be in the state and local government systems, compared to your role at the federal level.

Choice 2: 

What is the US Government's greatest impact on you as a citizen, positive and/or negative? What has the least impact on you?




Explain what role you play in smaller, more local economic systems compared to your role in the larger global economic system.



High School US History Semester 1:

Choice 1: 

Overall, what events in our history have had the greatest influence on who we are as Americans today? Be sure to include your idea of what being American means.

Choice 2:

Overall, from our history, what is the greatest lesson Americans should learn in order to ensure the best future possible for our country? Be sure to include your ideas of what this 'best possible future' would be.


High School US History Semester 2:

Choice 1: 

Overall, what events in our history have had the greatest influence on who we are as Americans today? Be sure to include your idea of what being American means.

Choice 2:

Overall, from our history, what is the greatest lesson for Americans to learn in order to ensure the best future possible for our country? Be sure to include your ideas of what this 'best possible future' would be.


High School World Studies Semester 1:

Choose one SPRITE concept and use evidence from each Module 1-4 to discuss the following:
"History proves that __(insert your SPRITE choice here)__ has always been a major driving force in the human experience."

High School World Studies Semester 2:

Choice 1: 

Overall, what event(s) in history has had the greatest influence on current events in today's world?

Choice 2:

Is globalization more positive or negative?


8th US History Semester 1:

People today often refer to "the ideals this country was founded on"- especially when they are arguing about politics.  Use evidence from the course to explain what 'ideals' you believe were the foundation for the still-growing United States in its earliest years.

8th US History Semester 2: 

06/02 There is a NEW assignment being created for you!  Please do not follow the instructions for the prompt below- I will have the new instructions up by Friday afternoon.

 "The United States was an experiment in government that was dangerously close to being a failure."  Use evidence from the course to explain whether or not you agree with this statement.


7th World History Semester 1:

"How has life changed for humans since prehistoric times?"  Choose ONE of the elements of SPRITE to contrast and compare from (1) prehistory,  to (2) ancient history and then finally, to (3) your life today. 
HINT: Prehistory is the information from Module 1 and Ancient HIstory is any of the info from Modules 2, 3, & 4. 

7th World History Semester 2:

"Despite differences in location, the earliest civilizations were more similar than different."  Use evidence from the course to explain whether or not you agree with this statement.  Consider the ancient civlizations from this semester:  Rome, India, China, Asia &  Africa.