Welcome to online class!
Please read over these course policies and then let's do our required welcome call. Text me and we will figure out a time for the call that works best for you.
Sarah Coyle, M. Ed scoyle@orved.org
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs. 4-6pm
503-560-2107 Text me any time of day- I will call you back.
Attendance Policy:
ORVED requires students check in 2 times a week for attendance in GENIUS.
A check-in means there has been a 2-way communication- the check-in button, a phone call, course message, email or text- in which the student provides a specific course update.
Missing 4 check-ins in a row (equal to 2 weeks of attendance) results in a 10-day drop from the course without further notice.
Coursework Policies:
- Work is graded according to your due dates. I will enter 0's for any missing work, but this work can still be completed for full credit at any time during the course.
- Pre-Tests, Collaboration Assignments, and Class Discussions are closed. Skip those instructions.
- Be sure to set your Google Docs to share/edit with me (scoyle@orved.org) so I can open the files on my end and give you credit for your work. If I am unable to open a file, I will temporarily set the grade to 0 to get your attention.
- Not a requirement, but I strongly suggest keeping a notebook for this class to stay organized, take handwritten notes as you work through all the links in the lessons, and use on quizzes and DBAs.
- Online Quizzes can re-take as often as needed. These are 'open-book' so students can go back through the lessons as needed.
- Written Assignments can be replaced by written notes (US History) or Travel Journal (World History) for up to 70% credit each
- Be sure to read the feedback I leave to understand the grades you have earned. (click on the grade) You can improve any work at any time for up to full credit.
- Plagiarism is not accepted. You must complete all work in your own “voice” every time. NO copy-paste. Any research, including images, must be cited in the assignment.
- Final Exam = students at an 80% or above after all required coursework is complete may be exempted from the Final Exam.
You can do this!
Stay on pace- keep up with due dates.
Be organized- have a system for saving your files.
Submit your best-effort work.
Communicate with me as needed.
Please contact me right away if you have a question or concern about anything.
That’s what I’m here for! See you online, Mrs. Coyle